Our Mission:
To explore and discover who Jesus is while building relationships with each other.
Our Vision:
We are committed to creating new, safe spaces where anyone from any background can explore God.
Our Values:
If the values below resonate with you, then you might like to try visiting one of our groups!
- We strive to be a place where you can explore God at your own pace.
- We’re not a church service. We meet weekly for food and drinks to discuss faith and build relationships.
- We believe following Jesus is a personal decision and won’t ever pressure you.
- We don’t think it’s our job to change others.
- We don’t get political; we love everyone and are committed to bridging divides in our community.
- We welcome different perspectives and respect the opinions of others.
- We know that we’re not perfect and we don’t expect others to be.
- We believe everyone has something valuable to add to the conversation.
- We love our local community and strive to love them as Jesus loves them.
Below is a list of beliefs that our group is founded on, but please do not think you have to share these beliefs to come to our discussion group. We’re here to explore together and will give you the space to form your own conclusions.
We believe that God loves and values each and every one of us.
We believe God created the universe and everything in it. We don’t worry so much about the “how” although we find it a fascinating subject to explore!
We know that all of us are flawed and make mistakes. We don’t believe guilting others is helpful; we strive to support each other as we work through our personal struggles with God.
We believe there is life after death. We believe God loves every person and wants them to be a part of His family and be with Him after this life. This is a personal decision that we believe every person has to decide for themselves. We respect you and your decision. Our role is to offer a place to explore who God is so you can make that decision for yourself.
We believe God came to the world in the form of a human named Jesus. He is God’s plan for bringing us into His family.
We believe God sent His spirit into the world to speak to each of us, so we might all become a part of His family. We trust that God is speaking to you.
We believe God partnered with human writers to bring His message to the world in the form of the Bible. We recognize that some parts of the Bible are hard to interpret, but we still believe its message is true and incredibly important for all of us. We strive to understand what the original authors were trying to say and how their message applies to us today.
We believe the church is not a building; it’s people connecting with God and each other through relationships. We are committed to loving God and loving people.